The stirrers

To process the enormous and multifaceted work that Marceau Ivrea has left behind, the Chronicles of Mapuetos, Patrick Lowie has been extracting paper snippets randomly (as one would do when pulling lottery numbers). Those snippets made of written sentences would then be assembled and form a logical suite. It is as if Patrick Lowie is trying to structure what was unstructured, while keeping the poetry intrisincally present in the text natural destructuration. Marceau Ivrea tells us that, in Mapuetos, basic ingredients are wind galvanized iron and stirrers, small 6 inch long woodsticks expelled out of the Imyriacht volcano. The stirrers are thus born from the fictitious mountain of wisdom.

As a concrete representation of the work he is doing with the literary and poetic work of Marceau Ivrea, Patrick Lowie has been making conceptual artwork pieces, at time appeasing, at time intriguing, unique, sometimes lit or numbered, but always with Mapuetos in mind. Everything is handmade with rigor, concentration, and meditation involved. He develops and assembles manually the stirrers, as he does poetically with the snippets of paper taken out of the work of Marceau Ivrea; placing the woodsticks side by side in a complex and organic composition.

Twenty stirrers minus four

The stirrers n°15 & 16

unique design for Lucia Picaro

The stirrers n°14

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°13

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°12

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°11

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°10

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°9

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°8

unique design for Pascal François

The stirrers n°6 & 7

unique design for La Villa Janna, Marrakesh, 2014

The stirrers n°5

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°4

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°3

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°2

unique design for sale

The stirrers n°1

unique design for sale